Document Owner – Director of Quality
Revised By – R. Kitchens
Approved By – President
Date Revised – December 1st, 2020
Document Control # CO.EMS.EV.5.2

Sustainability and Environmental Policy Statement

Ronpak is committed to protecting the environment by promoting paper as a sustainable, renewable resource through company recycling initiatives, recycling and responsibly sourced raw materials that conserve energy.

Ronpak promotes environmental sustainability and is committed to increasing our participation in program improvement on an annual basis, detailed and specific EMS objectives are located in the EMS. Ronpak’s business goals are achieved by making sustainability and environmental commitments to reduce our environmental footprint are key to our success. Ronpak has introduced initiatives such as:

  • Recycling of 95% paper press waste;
  • Recycling programs for office waste, plastics, aluminum, recycled oil and scrap metal;
  • Use of “HRC” ink that is energy efficient in manufacturing reducing carbon footprint;
  • Solar panels at the NJ facility returning power to the grid;
  • Converted heavy corrugated to light-weight chip-board packaging where possible.

Ronpak, its suppliers and customers it partners with, together, strive to make every attempt to reduce waste, conserve energy and provide a sustainable product in the current environment and in the future.

All employees of Ronpak, Inc. are acting to protect the environment by complying with applicable environmental laws and regulations, and preventing and eliminating environmental pollution through:

  • Continual education in order to prevent environmental pollution, preserve natural resources, and improve the EMS; through our weekly tool box training and annual training programs.
  • Promoting pollution prevention, waste minimization, and conservation; promoting the effective use of innovative environmental technologies and practices such as our recycled oil, tote recycling, metal drum recycling, paper recycling and scrap metal recycling programs.
  • Fostering a work environment in which employees are encouraged to report and raise environmental issues without fear of retaliation through our employee safety committee, and employee suggestion box.
  • Continually improving the effectiveness, awareness and efficiency of environmental management through monitoring, assessments and performance evaluations.
  • Decrease of nonrenewable energy consumption through the exploration of new materials with smaller environmental footprints and improvement of hazardous waste management

Top Management budgets and resources the EMS. The President is responsible for ensuring communication of this policy to all persons working for or on behalf of the organization and making it available to the public.